19 08 2016
Freelance – How do you charge?
When you’re looking to either be a freelancer or hire a freelancer for web design, you’ll want to consider a few things about cost.
- What’s the project? – App design, print design, web design, brand design?
- Who is the client? – Individual, small to medium size company or a large corporation
- How much does it cost you? – Consider your hourly rate * the time commitment
- Is the project interesting? – Is it boring or is it a dream project?
- After the project? – Did anything change? Or did it launch something larger.
How much value are you giving your client is how much you should charge.
Each designer is going to charge you what they think they are worth. As a customer you can use web site calculators to get an idea of what a website could cost. Here are a few of them:
- http://www.webpagefx.com/How-much-should-web-site-cost.html
- https://www.designquote.net/html/dq_estimate_wizard.cfm
- http://thenuschool.com/how-much#/start
The web calculators are also great if you’re trying to quote a job.
Remember a basic website can be reasonable if you are a small company and you supply graphic and content. The more add-ons, the more money it’s going to be.
So, how much is a site? Well, there are many factors to consider. I always tell people, you’re going to get what you pay for and for a new designer, expect to pay about $20 per hour, for a guru up to $100 per hour.
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